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About Advanced Date Calculator
Our Advanced Date Calculator is a powerful tool designed to help you perform complex date calculations with ease. Whether you need to calculate time between dates, add or subtract days, or determine working days excluding holidays, our calculator has you covered.
Features include:
- Date difference calculation
- Working days calculator
- Date addition and subtraction
- Multiple date format support
- Holiday exclusion options
Frequently Asked Questions
How accurate is the date calculator?
Our calculator uses precise algorithms and takes into account leap years, different calendar systems, and timezone variations to ensure maximum accuracy.
Can I exclude weekends and holidays?
Yes, you can customize the calculator to exclude weekends, specific holidays, and other non-working days from your calculations.
Which date formats are supported?
We support all major date formats including MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, and ISO 8601. The calculator automatically detects and converts between formats.
Can I save my calculations?
Yes, you can save your frequently used calculations and export results in various formats including PDF and Excel.